
Success with speaking gigs - Erik Eklund

In april 2018 Erik Eklund came to PSA Belgium for a highly successful workshop "Take the leap from invisible to in-demand".

In February 2019... he's back!

How to get paid more and easily communicate offers for speaking gigs with clients.

This one is a hot one, and I’ve learned by doing. I know, I should look at the market. I should increase my price. I should get what I’m worth. But how much is that, what do I really charge and hey, I don’t really like talking about my price. I’ll honestly share my secrets to what others hold workshops on that’s just not the real deal.

Bio Erik

Erik is born in a land far far away with golden Chiquita bananas and aromatic coffee. Adopted to a winter wonderland with a religion called IKEA.

He had enough of seeing people give up on their goals and live other’s dreams because of the words: “It won’t be easy – You have to do this – You cannot do that.”

Now, he empowers radiant Homo sapiens around the globe to live their brand and be unstoppable at what they TRULY want to do.

Through speeches, workshops and coaching. His signature areas are:

  • Storytelling
  • Public Speaking
  • Personal branding

You can discover Erik on

Speakers' corner - peer advice

Following the proposal during our New Year event, we will give the stage to one of our members to explain his current speaking career and get advice from peers. Jean-Luc takes on the challenge.

Co-creating PSA Belgium

Going more professional is still our main target. Following the brainstorm in October last year, it is time for the next steps. Let's shape the future of PSA Belgium together.

Timing Saturday 23th of February 2019

  • 08:30 Welcome + breakfast
  • 09:00 Erik Eklund
  • 11:00 Pause
  • 11:15 Speakers' corner - peer advice
  • 12:00 Co-creating PSA Belgium
  • 13:00 The End

Venue: Coworking Les Galeries – Gallerie du Roi 30, 1050 Brussels

Registrations are done through this page + payment of your fee on the PSA Belgium account BE36 7360 4783 2481

Please mention “23/02/2019 + your name”.

Attendance Fee

  • Members PSA Belgium/GSF and first-timers: 25€
  • Non-members or as of 2nd attendance: 95€